The global Swedish retailer "H&M" created a new campain due to the "Global Recycle Week" and British singer M.I.A. joined them writing a song called "Rewear It" to raise awareness of recycling old wardrobe and enable for it to be reproduced. The "H&M" company offers it`s costumers to exchange their old stuff for some of their store credit which is pretty awesome. But, we are here to talk about music, and with M.I.A you can never get wrong. She not only give a wonderful song, but also created an amazing, in her style, kind of Missy Elliott typo, with a lot of great dancers and popular choreographers like the heels man, Yanis Marshal and toghether worked wonders on this one.
As an very strong activist, spoksman, not to mention her all around artistry as a producer, painter, fashonista, she often gets it trouble with big companies and business heads, not so recently she got sued by the French Foodball Club Saint-Germain for wearing their t-shirt in her "Borders" video and for changing the words "Fly Emirates" to "Fly Pirates". And in February she did it again with "Boom ADD" as a diss to the NFL lawsuit on her 2012 Superbowl performance. Despite all this, she keeps fighting the big cats and should only be saluted with the hats off and supported as much as possible while in the wait for her fifth studio album "Matahdatah".